Holiday Company Breakfast Frittata

8 eggs
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup stuffing bread cubes
2 cups leftover cooked vegetables
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

Whisk eggs, milk, parsley, and salt and pepper in a large bowl until combined well.
Add the stuffing bread cubes and vegetables, stirring to combine.
In a large heavy oven-proof skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat; add the mixture and cook 2 minutes on top of the stove.
Reduce the heat to low, top with Cheddar cheese and cook 10 minutes more.
Turn oven broiler on and set skillet underneath for about 2 to 4 minutes or until cheese browns nicely.
Remove and let stand for 2 minutes, then slice in wedges and serve.

Holiday Company Breakfast Frittata Holiday Company Breakfast Frittata Reviewed by thanhcongabc on 12:36 AM Rating: 5

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